Resources While Your Family is at Home
Parents, we are here to support you as we navigate school closures and disruptions due to the COVID 19 outbreak here in Colorado. We have compiled a list of parent resources to help you and your family during this time. If you have a question about an online learning resource or other community resources, we have a hotline open from 9:00-6:00 every day, please call us at 720-307-6742.
We will also be posting regular blog posts with activities to do with your students while they are at home. Please follow our Parents Lead page on Facebook to stay up to date with tips and tricks for at-home learning.
Daily Free Meal Services For ANY Child
Denver Public Schools will be offering breakfast and lunch to ANY child who shows up at the following locations. Breakfast is served from 8:00-9:00 AM, Lunch is served from 12:00-1:00 PM and Dinner is served from 3:30-5:00 PM. The blue markers on the map are where breakfast and lunch are served. The orange markers on the map are where dinner is served.
At Home Learning
Here are the yearly learning goals that your students should be completing,
based on what grade level they are in.
We recommend making a schedule for your learner to help build predictability and structure to your day. Here are some tips for building a schedule. To help support your daily learning, Zearn is making their math learning online resources available to families and Scholastic has daily activities for reading and writing.
We will be added high quality resources below as we test them out.
Resources for Learning at Home
Distance Learning and Remote Working Resources
(Colorado Succeeds)
Help Your Child Learn Languages at Home
Fun Educational Program for Children ages 2-7
(Khan Academy Kids)
Internet Access &
Financial Resources
If you need access to the internet, Comcast is providing free or reduced service for 60 days.
If you need assistance with your electric or water bill, the city of Denver has suspended all shut-offs and disconnections due to non-payment.
If you can share Wi-Fi using your phone's mobile data by connecting through a hotspot or tethering.
Social-Emotional Support
Caring for your family's emotional wellness is very important through this disruption. Below are resources to help inform family conversations. We will be hosting zoom calls with other parents to discuss how we can support each other. Sign up here.
How to talk to your kids about coronavirus
Managing Anxiety & Stress
Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children
(The Lancet)
Responding to Children's Emotional Needs During Crisis
(American Academy of Pediatrics)
Talking to Children About COVID-19
How to Stay Healthy
This Is How to Wash Your Hands So You Don't Get Sick
Preventing the Spread
How to Protect Yourself
Printable Resources
Keeping work, home, and school safe
Is it allergies, the flu or the coronavirus? How to tell the difference
General Facts & Resources
Covid-19 Case Summary
(Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Coronavirus - What Parents Need To Know
(Parents Together)
Printable Resources
*Transform Education Now does not provide medical/health advice. The information provided here is intended for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. If you have questions or are concerned about your health or the health of others, please seek advice from a qualified medical professional.